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Gender Studies 101: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

Gender, sexuality, and identity are studied interdisciplinary. Traditionally, gender studies has drawn upon other theoretical models such as psychoanalysis, deconstruction, and feminist theory to examine how gender roles and identities are constructed socially and culturally as they relate to class, race, ethnicity, and sexuality. In addition to challenging normative definitions of gender and sexuality, queer theory is an important component of gender studies. The power of representation and linguistic indeterminacy are prominent themes in gender studies and queer theory as approaches to literary texts.

12 Most Important Key Points in Gender Studies:

  1. It is an interdisciplinary academic field that analyses gender identity and gendered representation.

  2. Gender Studies is dedicated to studying feminine, masculine and LGBT identity.

  3. This field originated in the multidisciplinary program of women's studies, similar to queer studies and men's studies.

  4. The rise of deconstructionism coincided with its prominence in Western universities after 1990.

  5. Each field regarded "gender" as a practice, often referred to as performative.

  6. Gender performativity is the central concept in philosopher and gender theorist Judith Butler's work Gender Trouble.

  7. Virginia Woolf and Adrienne Rich's call for women's revisions of literary and historical texts have inspired a generation of feminist authors to write their own texts.

  8. Griselda Pollock and other feminists have articulated Myth, poetry, and literature from the point of view of gender.

  9. The feminist theory of psychoanalysis, expressed mainly by Julia Kristeva and Bracha L. Ettinger and informed by Freud, Lacan, and object relations theory, has significantly impacted gender studies.

  10. Julia Kristeva has significantly developed semiotics.

  11. Women's studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines topics related to women, feminism, gender, and politics.

  12. It is an interdisciplinary academic field that addresses issues related to men, gender, and politics.


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